The new year is here again! its a time for thanksgiving and reflection, a time to look positively to the future, make new resolutions, improve your life, set standards and goals e.t.c. Most people make resolutions but by mid January they would have forgotten about it when pressures of all kinds come upon them e.g car break down that will cost lots of money to repair, salary not paid when you need it the most, unplanned medical bills, increase in transport fare and so on. Have you ever realised that January is one of the longest months ever..if you know what i mean.
Our lives are shaped by many different events in life, some good some bad, some are even very difficult to endure but wherever you stand you have to determine to make this year a great one for yourself financially no matter the obstacles before you. Planning will help you enjoy the good times ahead and you will be better equipped to cope with the more challenginging ones. Because you failed last year does not mean you will fail this year also. Winners don't quit and quitters don't win , don't let circumstances and past failures weigh you down for every plan, have a Plan A, B and C so that you will always have something to fall back on.
Financial fortune is as a result of wise and careful planning. The key to securing your financial future is taking many small disciplined steps over a long period of time. its about having a plan and plans require commitment, determination, discipline, consistency and time. Your financial stand can affect every aspect of your life e.g relationship, marriage, lifestyle and standard of living even your perception of yourself. The number one strategy of maintaining a future of financial fortune is to always live within your limit and means per time, refrain from borrowing and entering into debt, always make your money work for you by encouraging regular saving and investment and then develop your talent because every one has it.

No matter how much or how little money you have, no matter how old or young, whether you start from the scratch or you inherited a fortune wise planning will take you to your goal. It is better to suffer now and enjoy later than to be old and retire penniless, a yoruba musician sang a song " igba owuro lawa oba je ale san kale ye wa" (we are young now, God let our old age be good).
Please note that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
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